Share Data > 2015 > June

Month: June 2015

Share Data is 20. Thank You for Your Continued Support!

This month my team is delighted to be celebrating Share Data’s 20th year in business. Since our launch in 1995, Share Data has worked hard to cement our reputation as a valued resource for the detailed valuation of stocks, shares and funds and other related services. Today our services cover both UK and foreign holdings. They are mainly used for probate, inheritance tax …

Selling/transferring US or Canadian shares or funds?

Now this is a problem for which we are increasingly being asked for help: How to overcome problems with selling/transferring US or Canadian stocks and shares. Are you aware that if you: Hold shares in either a US or Canadian company. Have purchased shares from a UK company that has either: De-merged (i.e. Cadbury Schweppes, where holders received Cadbury and …


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