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Deceased Estate Administration Service


Assets Within the UK

For assets situated within the United Kingdom, Jersey, Guernsey, The Isle of Man and in most major jurisdictions of the world we are able to offer non-resident executors and executors of estates of those domiciled outside the United Kingdom assistance in the administration of the estates situated in those jurisdictions including the resealing of grants of probate or obtaining the necessary court order or ancillary probate in the jurisdiction in which the asset is situated.
Once the Grant of Probate has been received, the executors have the choice between liquidating the assets and transferring them to the beneficiaries.

Assets Outside the UK

For assets situated in most major jurisdictions outside the United Kingdom (which has three separate legal jurisdictions, namely, England and Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland) we are able to offer executors assistance in the collection of offshore assets including the resealing of grants of probate or obtaining the necessary court order or ancillary probate in the jurisdiction in which the asset is situated.

Please note that Jersey, Guernsey, The Isle of Man and The Republic of Ireland are separate legal jurisdictions to those in the United Kingdom and if assets are situated there (including a share register even though a company’s shares are quoted elsewhere) a probate obtained within the United Kingdom is not valid and we are able to obtain an ancillary probate in those jurisdictions.

We are also able to offer a ‘fast track’ application for a Jersey Probate for executors of estates of those domiciled within the United Kingdom where this is a viable financial option to dealing with the Jersey Court directly.

This service will include:

  • Advising of the documents required;
  •  Where necessary having one of our worldwide affiliates assist with the local legal work required in the relevant foreign jurisdiction;
  • Supervision of the whole process.

Once the reseal, court order or ancillary probate has been received the executors then have the choice of:

  • Transfer of assets into the names of the beneficiaries;
  • Selling shares;
  • Distribution of sale proceeds.

For more information on our Deceased Estate Administration Services, please contact us.