Share Data > Services > Resealing Grants of Probate

Resealing Grants of Probate

Get a quick and efficient service resealing a grant of probate

Our resealing grants of probate service will include:

  • The appointment of a local probate lawyer in charge of your grant of reseal;
  • Reseal application submitted by the local lawyer to the local court;
  • Assets transferred to the beneficiaries or executors;
  • Selling shares;
  • Distribution of sale proceeds and dividends if applicable.


What you need to know about English Grants of Probate

If shares were held in an incorporated company based in Channel Islands, Scotland, or the Isle of Man, you will need to have your English Grant of Probate resealed.

If shares were held in an incorporated company based in Isle of Man or the Channel Islands, registrars frequently ask for English Grants to be resealed therein, even if the shares of that company are quoted on the London Stock Exchange or on AIM.

Obtain assistance with resealing English Grants of Probate


What you need to know about US Shares

If shares were held in an incorporated company in the USA or Canada, you will usually be required to obtain a Medallion Guarantee Stamp.

Know that Share Data can provide a Medallion Guarantee on your behalf and have it affixed to the appropriate documentation for you.

Contact us about Medallion Guarantee Stamps


If the value of your English Assets is less than £10,000

Certain registrars employ the small estate indemnity procedure for assets in England with a typically low value, usually less than £10,000. Utilizing this procedure can streamline the process of registering a death and obtaining new share certificates.

Obtain assistance with the Small Estate Indemnity procedure


Share Data assists you with resealing Grants of Probate worlwide.
What is a grant of probate reseal?

Resealing a grant of probate is the process by which the executors or administrators of a foreign domiciled testator can administer the UK-based assets. ‘Resealing’ allows the executors to use a simplified probate application process when producing the probate document issued in the testator’s country of domicile

Our range of expertise includes, but is not limited to the following countries:

  • Australia
  • Canada
  • Hong Kong
  • Malaysia
  • South Africa
  • USA
  • Europe Wide
  • Africa
  • Middle East
  • EU
  • Commonwealth Countries


    +44 1403 271170