Share Data > 2016

Year: 2016

Lost Share Certificates – Countersignatures.

Have you lost a share certificate? If the paper share certificate is lost, then usually the share registrars (being frequently Computershare or Wells Fargo for USA shares) will ask for an Indemnity Bond which usually costs about 3% of the current value of the shareholding. In the case of U.K. shareholdings, a countersignature will be asked for and again this …

Business Case – Dealing with a Deceased’s Estate

May 2016 We recently received a request from the Solicitors dealing with a deceased’s estate. They were presented with a bundle of paperwork involving shares, funds and bank accounts held by the deceased. It seems that the late Mr X did not like to throw anything away!!! Among the paperwork there were share certificates for companies that no longer existed, funds that …

Assorted Companies

Hewlett Packard share split in November 2015 divided into Hewlett Packard Inc and Hewlett Packard Enterprise Inc and shareholders received an equal number of shares in Hewlett Packard Enterprise Inc.         Verizon / Vodafone – the closure of the Verizon Nominee Account at Computershare, Bristol has caused all former Verizon shareholders to have their shares moved to Computershare …

How to deal with ARRIS shares following the Pace Plc Takeover

How to transfer new ARRIS shares into a DTC   Following the takeover of Pace Plc by ARRIS International early this year, the resulting new shares either have to be held in certificated form (which is not recommended) or the new ARRIS shares must be transferred to a DTC account. Not all stockbroking firms have the DTC facilities, and as …

Looking for an Alternative to NETPROBATE?

Did you know that has ceased their NETPROBATE – share valuation service? If you relied on their services and are now looking for an alternative, Share Data can help. Share Data specialises in securities valuations, transfers and sales. Our dedicated team has been producing high-quality valuations since 1995, and throughout the years we have helped hundreds of law firms, …


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